5 Things I Love About My School

All too often we get bogged down with the day-to-day planning, assessment and form filling that we can forget what makes our work place special.

As we are heading into one of the most difficult stretches of the academic year, I feel now is as good a time as any to remind ourselves of the positives of our profession. Here are 5 things which I love about my school - The English Montessori School (TEMS).

1. Teachers are called by their first names
My school is a close-knit, family community. I love having pupils address their teachers by their first name as it contributes to the unique atmosphere and ethos. It helps develop the 'us' mentality, teachers and pupils together, rather than the 'us against them' mentality, which is so prominent in schools. Also, despite the continuous growth at TEMS, our small school family mentality is vital and makes my school what it is. I couldn't imagine being called 'Sir' again!

2. The staff
I know I've always got people to turn to if I need advice, guidance, or to simply blow off some steam. When the workload gets high or you have a bad day, our staff stick together. I work with some extremely talented and dedicated people and they feed my desire to improve. However, one negative is that we don't celebrate our own successes or sing our own praises enough. I think you are fantastic!

3. Fundraising days
The school places special emphasis on raising money for charity. Whether this is for FundaciĆ³n Fabretto, The Plastic Surgery and Burns Research Unit (see example video below), or any other of the incredible causes which the school contributes to, the pupils and staff go to a lot of effort to organise these charity days. The pupils learn a great deal from these experiences and contribute to the wider society.

4. Residential trips
Each year group has their own annual residential trip. I have been fortunate to go on some of these, including camping, water sports, skiing and several trips to London (getting through airport security with 70 pupils is not an easy job). Had I stayed in England, these experiences would have been extremely limited. These trips end up being some of the pupils fondest memories of secondary school and it is a pleasure to be involved in this. I also find it helps develop teacher-pupil relationships, and it definitely helps create a positive learning environment in the classroom.

5. And last but not least... the pupils!
How could I not mention the pupils? They are full of character and life and they have excellent relationships amongst themselves and with their teachers. They are extremely motivated by achievement which makes my job interesting and different every day!

What 5 things do you love about your school?


  1. I love how at school we can meet and work with people from different countries and cultures.

    I also like how sports take a very important role in kids education here at TEMS

    And I agree that the staff is great!!

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read it Leticia. I also agree about the sports and I love working with people from different cultures too!

  2. I have only been at our school for a few months, but during this time, I have experienced what Thomas (and Leticia) have commented on. This school has an excellent staff who support one another within a warm and safe environment. "A happy worker is a good worker" and the work atmosphere at this school is tuned to engage and inspire both teachers and students to do their best and to further improve.

    The students, under the strict rule of NO MOBILES, stay children longer. In the playground, I have seen kids play the same games I myself played as a child - with no technology. The students are great to have in class and the teacher-student relationship is a casual, yet respectful one, with children calling teachers by their first names, as Thomas mentioned.

    Our school is a cheerful one, placing the importance of positive environment alongside academic excellence! :-)

    1. Thanks for reading Alexa. You have made an interesting point about the children and long may they remain children!

  3. I agree with everything said before. The kids are great although they try us with their adolescence at times. The atmosphere is happy, safe and relaxed and our standards are high. It is very special to me how supportive the staff are of each other as we all need it at times. I love how people offer to help and have a laugh with each other, even when we have lots to do. It what keeps us going when things are not easy and reminds us what it is we love about our jobs.

    1. Great response Kathy. Complete agree with everything you said. Thanks for taking the time to read!


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